I immerse myself in the present, working intuitively and completely absorbed in the creative process. Time stops and I am at one with my subject. The piece at hand directs my choice of line, color and form. What is created comes from somewhere deep inside. The work expresses my interpretation of my day-to-day life. Everything I have seen and experienced becomes animated as I search for spirit and meaning.

While I enjoy working with pastels, my primary medium is collage. I spend days strolling various beaches, parks and old mill towns in Connecticut where I live and neighborhoods in Manhattan where I grew up. Later on, working in the studio, I choose photographs for a particular collage and cut out shapes from magazines. I often draw with ink and use oil pastels or colored pencils. Then I begin to create my own special world where anything and everything is possible. 

Low Tide Habitat
Personal photographs, magazines, ink
17 1/4 x 26 1/4 (framed)